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FDI Legacy site and archives

Oct. 9, 1998: the French government has imprisoned an Iranianopposition activist in Paris, allegedly on libel charges filed by theIslamic Republic of Iran's French embassy and by the Paris residentof the Iranian intelligence service. The Foundation has sent officialinquiries to the Government of France, which until now have remainedwithout a reply, as to the actual charges against Mr. Fahimi.Unofficially, the French say the activist from the Iranian People'sFedayeen Guerrillas, has been jailed for terrorist activities. Whilenot supported the Fedayeen (or any other opposition group). FDI hasprotested the French action as incompatible with France's historicsupport for human rights. Today, the Fedayeen held a demonstration infront of the French embassy in Brussels, and are planning a series ofsimilar actions in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Madrid in thecoming days.

Oct. 6, 1998: Despite President Khatami's repeated pledgesto promote free speech and to respect the rights of Iranianminorities, recent actions by the Islamic Republic have sentdisturbing signs that either Khatami has been disingenuous, or thathe is powerless. The Iran Brief reports in its October 1998 issue ona series of attacks against Iranian journalists, and the recent spateof arrests of Iranian Baha'is.

August 13, 1998: Washington Times editorial by FDIDirector, exposing the pro-regime political views of the new directorof Radio Free Iran, the freedom radio funded by the U.S. Congressthat begins broadcasting in Farsi from Prague in October.

July 30, 1997: Inmemorium: Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Rouhani. FDI mourns the deathof one of Iran's most senior Shiite clerics, whose brother claims hewas murdered by the regime because he failed to endorse clericalrule.

July 28, 1997:"Writer's fate tests Iran and Europe," editorial from the WallStreet Journal Europe by FDI Executive Director on the jailing ofIranian writer Faraj Sarkuhi and Khatemi's responsibility for hisfate.

July 23, 1997: FDIWarns Congressmen about Iranian Mujahidin,a statement about the latest Congressional letter in support ofthe MEK. See also the fulltext of FDI's letter to Congressional signatories.

July 7, 1997: Secretdocument from May 1984, revealing Mohammad Khatemi's role in theIslamic Republic's international terrorism networks.

June 30, 1997: Newswire50

Iranian writer Faraj Sarkuhi put on trial for espionage; regimereleases new figures on prison population; Khatemi's cabinet; andmore....

June 16, 1997:

June 6, 1997:"Vox Populi in Iran," Washington Post

June 3, 1997:

May 29, 1997:Newswire 48 and HumanRights Watch report on Iranian elections

May 29, 1997: Re-posted back issues of the FDI Newswire.

May 27, 1997: "Iran'sVote: A Good Start, Nothing More,"Wall Street Journal-Europe (op-ed page), May 27, 1997,by KennethR. Timmerman

May 25, 1997: FDIstatement on the Iranian presidential elections.

May 22, 1997:

May 19, 1997: Newswire47

May 6, 1997: Created page with Newson FDI Activities, and reformatted and posted back material,including:

May 5, 1997: "IslamicRepublic of Iran Interest Section in Washington, DC, TheIranBrief, May 5, 1997, and FDI Newswire45

May 2, 1998: FDI board member Ayatollah Mehdi Rouhaniwelcomes Khatami, but warns U.S. government analysts of rushing intorelations with the Tehran regime. See also the latest StateDepartment report on Global terrorism.

April 24, 1997: FDIcalls on Europe to reduce Iranian government intelligence presence.and Newswire 44

April 17, 1997:Newswire 43: Mykonos verdict handed down in Berlin on April10. Stay tuned for the latest updates as we receive them. In themeantime, read KennethR. Timmerman's article in the April 10, 1997 edition of the WallStreet Journal Europe, "EU braces for Iranian terror."

April 10, 1997:FDIStatement on the Mykonos verdict in Berlin calls for reducing IRIdiplomats in Europe

April 9, 1997:Newswire 42. Top stories: UN's Copithorne again condemns IRIhuman rights record... Fuel subsidies slashed ...Refugee detailsrecent killings... Kurds claim massive poisoning

April 3, 1997:FDI replies to CBS 60 Minutes interview with Rafsanjani.

March 21, 1997:"Sanctions Working... " FDI replies to Paul Henze and EndersWinbush in the Wall Street Journal

Also available online: the just-issued U.S.State Department Human Rights Report on Iran; a press releasereporting that FDI'sRouhani was received by State Department last month; and a newhuamn rights action memorandum: "Sarkuhiarrest is slap in the face to Germany". .

December 4, 1996 Flash: Violent demonstrations reported in Kermanshah following the discovery of the body of a Sunni Muslim cleric who was believed to have been assassinated by government agents. Complete details are available in a special human rights action memorandum. Meanwhile, support for missing writer Faraj Sarkouhi grows.

December 3, 1996: FDI Newswire 29 is also now available from our Newsroom. Top stories: Human Rights "insult our Sacred Values"; INP calls for demonstration on Students Day; "Rafsanjani U" may be hit after President leaves office; and Too many VOA satellite dishes.

Also available in our Newsroomis an op-ed piece by FDI Executive Director Kenneth Timmerman whichthe Wall Street Journal published last week in its European edition:"Denmark Takesthe Lead on Iran".

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The Foundation for Democracy in Iran
10400 Connecticut Avenue
Kensington, MD 20895 U.S.A.
Phone: (301) 946-2918 Fax: (301) 942-5341
e-mail: exec@iran.org

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